India Pale Ale
The story goes that when the philanthropic Brits occupying India pined for ale from the motherland they had a heavily hopped version created to withstand the rigors and duration of the sea voyage, hence the name “India Pale Ale” or IPA. I’ve become so wary of any story like this because every time you hear one of these and retell it some wise acre always has a refutation up their sleeve. Therefore, I offer up this bit of history with no claim that it’s actually accurate, but it sounds good.
What is accurate is that India Pale Ale is tasty stuff – God Save The Queen! The strong, bitter flavor isn’t for everyone but it is for me and anyone else who likes a hearty yet musty tonic.. I have two current favorites – White Hawk IPA made by the Mendocino Brewing Company of Red Tail Ale fame and Anderson Valley Brewing Company’s Hop Ottin’ IPA, pictured here relaxing in bed. The Hop Ottin’ hits you like a ton of pine cones. I don’t know how else to describe it. The White Hawk is equally as potent (they’re both around 7% alcohol) but it’s more malty and less piney. They’re separate but equally delicious.
I’ve tried others but so far nothing can match these two. Mactarnahan’s is a lightweight, Full Sail is decent but not worth saving a dollar a six-pack, Pyramid is good but not quite their equal and that is about all I can remember right now. I’ll do some research and report back.
Full Sail IPA relaxing with a book in its favorite chair. Good bitterness but weak in the body and only 16 cents less a bottle than the far superior Hop Ottin' and White Hawk IPAs
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