Bourbon Review - Old Grand Dad 114
A few years back, when we lived in d one person I wished didn’t show up). The winner by a Floridian margin was Booker’s followed closely by Elijah Craig (12 Year Old). At 125 proof and uncut, Booker’s is more like bourbon concentrate. The price is equally as hefty ($55 a bottle) while ‘best buy’ Elijah Craig was only $15 at the time (currently $22). Over the next few years I’ve tried several bourbons but nothing has quite reached the height of Booker’s.
The spirits cabinet was getting a little thin on bourbon and I enjoy the occasional tipple so yesterday I stopped by Beverages & More to restock with a nice but not extravagant bottle. Nowadays it seems you need to be north of $20 to get a decent bottle of this satisfying American invention. I wanted to try something I’d never had so I passed on reliable offerings like Elijah Craig and Elmer T. Lee (another excellent choice) and bought Old Grand 114. At first glance of the label you may think it’s Senator Robert Byrd’s private label whiskey and the 114 signifies his age but any likeness to his wrinkly visage is purely coincidental. The 114 stands for the proof, which is nearly the strength of Booker’s.
While making dinner I poured a jigger over a glass of ice and took a sip. Wow. I could practically chew it, it was so dense. Tons of flavor, very heavy and pretty intense at such a high proof. As the ice melted it softened and still tasted great. Essentially this is a poor man’s Booker’s – same basic profile but $26 instead of $55. Interestingly, they are both Jim Beam products. Regardless, Old Grand Dad 114 is a winner. I will be respecting my elders into the future.

I reacted similarly to Old Grand Dad look-alike Senator Byrd after my first sip of OGD 114

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